On Thursday the 21st of July, Otamatea High School held their annual senior school ball. This year’s theme followed the glitz and the glam of A Night in Hollywood. Students were greeted with the famous red carpet as they walked through the foyer and into the gleaming hall, decorated from head to toe in black, red, silver and gold.
Our year 11, 12’s & 13’s arrived in style and were dressed for the occasion in their gorgeous gowns and suits. They enjoyed a night of dancing, photographs and food, and were treated to an awesome school haka experience.
The night would not have been a success, without the amazing team of staff members that help set up, supervise and pack down the night.
Some of the prizes for the night went to the following, deserving students:
Beau & Belle: Annaliese Allen & Luke Vercoe
Prince & Princess: John Hampshire & Kate Cotching
King & Queen: Austin Mickell & Maia Fairburn
Cutest Couple:Lucas Reid & Lara McKenzie
Life of the Party: Michael Ferguson & Alana Yardley