Options Expo at Otamatea High School

By Elizabeth van den Berg

The Options Expo on Wednesday 26 August was aimed at starting conversations with students about their subject option choices for 2021. In the week leading up to the Expo, students’ academic mentors - who are also their whānau teachers - showed career videos and discussed opportunities.

Students had a Subject Choice Plan sheet on which they recorded the subjects they presently enjoy and those they are good at and thought about three possible career options.The school’s Course Directory was available in each whānau class for students to consult and a link was also provided for a digital copy.

Parents were made aware of the expo through Te Pānui o Otamatea and emails and were encouraged to have a discussion with their children about their future directions. The official CareersNZ website has a new page about how parents’/caregivers can support their children.

All year 10, 11 and 12 students visited the Options Expo during period 4 completing their Subject Choice Plan sheet by talking to at least three Heads of Learning areas.. Each group had 20 minutes.

After school parents visited the Expo with or without their students. At that time all teachers were available and many good conversations were had. The University of Auckland had representatives present and Northtec and Industry Trade Organisation information, as well as other career brochures, were available.