“I am so pleased my mother signed me up for this trip” These were the words of one year 11 student on the way back from Te Arai Link yesterday and other students agreed.
Nine year 11 and two year 13 students went to Te Arai Links for the day with Mrs van den Berg, the Careers adviser, and Helen Anderson, the Gateway Coordinator.
Our host at Te Arai Links was Matt Griffith, the caddy master. With the first of two golf courses opening on 1 October, caddies will be in demand and the demand will only grow to hit a peak in the summer holidays. This gives students the opportunity to get training on the weekends now and start working after school and on weekends. Once they have finished their external examinations they can get even more hours of work. A few students from Otamatea have done this and are now caddying in other countries around the world.
The students met the general manager who invited them to look around and find an area they are interested in and then take the opportunity of work experience or casual work or a summer job at the golf resort. As they were touring the main building with the golf operations and shop, the accommodation, restaurant, golf course and greenkeeping and maintenance area students met a number of other people working in these different areas. Everyone was enthusiastic about what they do and related how they came to work at Te Arai LInks. At every point students were reminded of the opportunities they can take up.
Any students who are interested in a casual or summer job or work experience at Te Arai Links should contact Helen Anderson or Mrs van den Berg at The Hub or send them an email.