This Year was another combined girls and boys Y10 camp. We set out to the Kai Iwi Lakes in hot weather and it stayed that way the entire time we were at camp. Students helped with the setup of the yachts and the camp kitchen for the next 3 days and were eager for a swim as soon as their tents were up. Kari Meachin was our cook and she was assisted by Emma Briton and Chloe McGowan, they did a great job of keeping us fed. Thank you ladies! We were lucky to have Phil Cotching and Pete Hames bring their boats up to the lakes this year. They tore around the lake each day taking students biscuiting and skiing. Your guys are legends and we really appreciate you giving up your time. Colin Storey came up again this year - he has since his eldest son was there several years ago, Colin helps Dave Burnell with the Yachts and takes the students sailing. A huge thankyou to you Colin for giving up your time to come and help us each year. We already have you booked in for next year.
Rebecca Clist came to camp this year and she loved every minute of it! (not a camping fan) She took the students biking around the lake and was in charge of our movie by the lake this year. Samid Buksh was the go to guy when the troops were tired, he took a bike around the lake, helped with the kayaking and general sports around camp - well done buddy. Marco has been on more Y10 camps than, well anyone! He organised the Kayaks again this year and really helped students get into the spirit of camp, well done Marco, enjoy a well deserved summer break. Nikola Kemp was in charge of the paddle boarding and she ran a tight ship at camp, the students had a blast and we all enjoyed having our very own camp mum help with everything. Anna Liddington organised the amazing race we do each year and this year was one to remember. Well done Anna and thank you for all the paperwork and organisation throughout the year. Dave Burnell is our new sailing club commodore. But he is by no means new to camp. He again this year helped organise and pack all the gear for camp, we took up nine trailers and Dave packed seven of these. He ran a great sailing programme at the lakes and I am looking forward to next year Dave, thank you so very much.
And lastly to the students - well done, it is full on few days and for some of you, you were right out of your comfort zone. You accepted the challenges and got on with it. Overall a great bunch of young men and women who will have made memories that will go well beyond their schooling years. Bring on 2021.