Students went to all kinds of workplaces on Thursday 11 August 2022. Photos we have received already show Sienna Burkill, Evan Fisher and Jess Ewen
Sienna was put to work on traffic offence work in a law firm and got a glowing reference from them.
Evan went house painting with Colour It Painters.
Jess accompanied a vet on the day. Another student also worked with a vet and someone else worked with Northland Regional Council. A number of students experienced work on a variety of farms.
Students commented on the day with statements such as:
o “I learnt more about how certain tools worked ...”
o “I learnt how to start and turn off a helicopter”
o “It was a good look at what I could potentially do in the future”
o “I learnt it isn’t what I want to do in the future”
Parents commented the following:
o “He had a really great experience and was able to head out of the office and go onsite to certain properties.”
o “We had such an easy and positive approach from the person coordinating work experience.”