Te Pānui o Otamatea

School Notices 18 March 2022

Calendar of Events

Fri 18 March - Mon 21 March

EOTC Duke of Edinburgh Silver pre expedition to Te Paki Coastal Trails

Tuesday 22 March

EOTC L2PE/L1GEO to Goat Island Snorkelling 8.30am - 3.30pm

Wednesday 23 March

STAFF ONLY DAY (High School buses will not run)

Thur 24 March - Mon 28 March

EOTC Duke of Edinburgh Gold qualifier to Mt Ruapehu

Wednesday 30 March

OHS Triathlon

Thursday 31 March

EOTC Year 9-13 Tennis at Kamo 8am - 4.30pm

Friday 1 April

EOTC SPLD to Paintball at Heads Up Adventures Whangarei 

View our full School Calendar here

OHS students snorkelling trip

Principal's News

COVID: We continue to see a rise in the number of staff and students who have tested positive for COVID-19. Today we have 107 active cases, all of whom are in isolation. For the first time on Friday we had to combine several senior classes as we did not have sufficient staff (including relievers) to cover all classes. Although Auckland now seems to have passed its peak, we may be a week or more behind Auckland before we reach our peak, so please continue to take protective measures to help keep our community safe - wear a mask, social distance and follow good hygiene practices. Under Phase 3 of the Omicron response, only confirmed cases and their household contacts need to self-isolate for 7 days. If your child is not a household contact, and is not displaying COVID-19 symptoms, then they can continue to attend school. 

Rapid Antigen Tests for Schools: Earlier this week, the Prime Minister announced that rapid antigen test kits (RAT kits) are being distributed to state schools to allow the provision of RAT kits for students and staff who are symptomatic at school. This is a short-term measure to complement those already in place (including vaccination, face masks, sound hygiene practices and ventilation) during the peak of the Omicron outbreak in our region. This does not replace existing advice to stay home and seek advice about testing, or go home, if unwell. RATs will be sent home with students if they develop symptoms when at school.

School sport changes: I am pleased to report that changes to school sport participation came into effect last week.  All children and young people, regardless of their vaccination status, can now participate in school-organised teams and groups, or as an individual representing the school in a competition or event. This applies whether on or off the school site. School organised teams, groups and individuals are to be treated as if they are vaccinated and cannot be required to show a My Vaccine Pass. This means the capacity limits for vaccinated students are applied when sport takes place out of school hours, or off school grounds. Supporting staff, including coaches, managers, teachers and parent volunteers continue to be required to be vaccinated. This includes student coaches both when they coach teams from their own school, and those from other schools. They will still be required to show a My Vaccine Pass if the external venue or facility requires. 

Duke of Edinburgh: All the best to our silver DOE group who are completing the Te Paki coastal trails in the far North this weekend. They are leaving Friday evening and returning Monday afternoon. I would also like to wish the Gold DOE group all the best  for next Thursday when they leave for Mt Ruapehu for their qualifying tramp. 

Staff Only Day: A reminder that Wednesday 23rd March is a staff only day at Otamatea High School. There will be no school for students.

Ngā mihi
Dirk Smyth

B5 one of our new classrooms 

School Notices

Photo Orders - important notice
Each student in the school has been provided a personalised sheet with codes for ordering class photos and individual photos online, directly from Photolife, the company who take our photos. 

These notices were given out at whānau time on Friday morning. Please check with your child if they have not given these to you.  If you child/ren were not at school on Friday they can collect it from their whanau teacher  on their return to school.  

Community Notices