Te Pānui o Otamatea

School Notices 19 August 2022

Calendar of Events

Friday 19 August

Kapa Haka noho at OHS 3.30pm Friday - 11am Sunday

Monday 22 August

EOTC Alt Ed to Mr Ruapehu leaving 22/8 at 9am returning 25/8 at 3.20pm
Collegiate hockey at Whangarei 3.30pm
Year 7 & 8 Rotation 3 starts

Tuesday 23 August

EOTC Northland Junior Netball competition 8.15am - 4.30pm
EOTC Writers Festival at Aotea Centre 8am - 4pm

Wednesday 24 August

2023 Enrolment afternoon/evening
EOTC U15 rugby 

Thursday 25 August 

EOTC Senior Basketball at McKay Stadium 8am - 4.30pm
School Social - fund to our AIMS and UNISS netball teams

Friday 26 August

EOTC Bay of Islands Beast in Paihia 7.15am - 3.20pm
Kapa Haka noho at OHS 3.30pm Friday - 11am Sunday

Saturday 27 August

EOTC Clay Target Shooting in Whangarei

Sunday 28 August

EOTC UNISS to Netball Sunday 10am to 3pm Saturday

Monday 29 August

Study Skills Day at Otamatea High School for Years 11-13 only  
No school for Year 7 -10
EOTC Hockey tournament week in Whangarei  (students travel daily)
EOTC Science Fair in Whangarei

Tuesday 30 August

EOTC Yr 9 -13 Badminton Cup 8.30am - 4.30pm

Wednesday 31 August

EOTC U15 rugby 

Friday 2 September

PISA tests in the hall all day

View our full School Calendar here

Principal's News

Reporoa Exchange: I thoroughly enjoyed our school trip to Reporoa for our annual exchange last Sunday and Monday. 35 of our students were involved, competing in basketball, futsal, volleyball, 7s rugby, netball and debating. The end result was a 5-2 win for Otamatea High School meaning we retain the Hathaway Family Shield. Our students were amazing, and represented our school with pride. They were very competitive yet showed outstanding sportsmanship throughout, and certainly gave mana to this exchange which is now in its 56th year. I am looking forward to hosting Reporoa next year.

Senior Study Day: Please note that there will be no school on Monday the 29th August for year 7, 8, 9 and 10 students. All senior students (years 11 to 13) are expected to attend. We are running a special study skills and coaching programme to equip our seniors with the skills required to be successful students, and to have confidence to go into the workplace.

Netball Success: Congratulations to Pyper Buxton and Zoey Smythe-King who were selected to play in the Whangarei under 14 representative teams. Pyper played for the under 14/1 team which was undefeated in their two tournaments. Pyper's team also moved up an age grade to the under 16's at the Kaikohe tournament. They came away with a second place in this grade. Zoey played in the under 14/2 team which placed 2nd in the second tournament in Whangarei and won the Kaikohe under 14 tournament. Congratulations also to Leayah Buxton for passing her zone theory umpire exam and for being invited to umpire for the Whangarei Girls High year 9 and prem teams at an Auckland tournament. Ka pai girls!

We are still seeing quite a lot of sickness, including COVID-19 in our communities. Please be aware of the following. If your child has been unwell with a respiratory illness other than COVID-19, they can return to school 24 hours after they have significantly improved and are behaving/eating normally. Following vomiting or diarrhoea, your child should be symptom free for 48 hours before they return. If they still have a runny nose or dry cough without any other symptoms such as a fever, vomiting or diarrhoea, then they are unlikely to be infectious and can be considered well enough to attend school. 

Enrolment Evening: On Wednesday night we will be hosting our first enrolment evening of the year for those students wishing to attend in 2023.  We are fully booked already with over 110 students booked in. We will be having additional enrolment evenings in September so please contact Nikki Donaldson at ohs@otamatea.school.nz  if you need to make an appointment.

Enrolment Scheme: A reminder that the consultation process for our proposed enrolment scheme closes today - Friday the 19th August. Here is the link should you wish to make a submission.

Board Elections: Nominations have now closed for parents wishing to be on our school board. I am pleased to see that we have enough nominations for a vote to take place. Eileen Parsons, our returning officer, will be in touch shortly to explain how the voting process will work.

Policy Review: Each term a number of school policies come up for review, as part of our triennial review programme. If you wish to provide any recommendations on these policies, please click on this link, The username is Otamatea, and the password is bickerstaffe. We value your feedback.

110 Year Old Article: I have included a 110 year old article from the Rodney and Otamatea Times that you may find interesting. It seems that the effects of global warming were quite well understood all the way back in 1912.

Ngā mihi
Dirk Smyth

School Notices




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