Te Pānui o Otamatea

School Notices 31 October 2022

Calendar of Events


Monday 31 October EOTC L2/3 SPLD to Bay of Islands 7am - 5pm
Wednesday 2 November

Volleyball and badminton training in the gym for year 7 & 8  2.30pm - 4pm

EOTC Mixed volley
EOTC Rocketwerks trip 8.30am - 3.00pm
EOTC year 7 & 8 tennis at Kamo 8.30am - 4.30pm

Thursday 3 November

EOTC year 7 & 8 touch rugby at Waipu 
EOTC year 9 & 10 badminton at Whangarei Badminton Centre 8.30am - 4.30pm
MUFTI DAY gold coin donation

Friday 4 November

Senior prizegiving 1.30pm start
ALL Year  10, 11,12 and 13 to attend school
No school for Year 7, 8, and 9 students 

Friday 4 - 7 November

EOTC DoE Silver to Lake Waikaremoana 3.30pm Friday to 5pm Monday 

Monday 7 November

NCEA exams start
EOTC year 9 & 10 Futsal at McKay Stadium 8am - 5pm

Tuesday 8 November

EOTC year 9 & 10 Girls Volleyball at McKay Stadium 8.30am - 5pm

Wednesday 9 November

Volleyball and badminton training in the gym for year 7 & 8  2.30pm - 4pm
EOTC year 9 & 10 Boys Volleyball at McKay Stadium 8.30am - 5pm

Thursday 10 November

OTA Fun Day
EOTC year 7 & 8 badminton at Whangarei Badminton Centre 8.30am - 4.30pm

Friday 11 November

EOTC 10GRTG Alpaca Shearing at Baldrock Road 8.50am - 1pm 
Kapa Haka noho at OHS 3.30pm Friday - 11am Sunday

View our full School Calendar here

Principal's News

Round the Loop: Last Friday 187 Otamatea High School students took part in the annual "Round the Loop" race around the Maungaturoto Country Club walkway. It was a perfect day for the run with little wind and warm conditions. Well done to year 12 student Morgan Bull who won the race for the second consecutive year, finishing in a time of 12.45. Second place went to year 7 student Leo Fenney ahead of third place Dean Sheppard. Year 13 student Natalia Orchard took out the girls race in a time of 17.03, followed by Jaime McCarthny and Alicia Moir. Overall iwi results were as follows: 1st Whātua 2nd Maniapoto 3rd Arawa and 4th Ngapuhi. Well done to everyone who took part.

COVID: A reminder that COVID continues to circulate throughout our community so please remain vigilant. Positive cases still need to self-isolate for 7 days but asymptomatic household contacts can return to school subject to daily RATs. If your child displays COVID symptoms at school, it remains our policy to contact parents/caregivers to collect their child as soon as possible. We do have spare RATs available if needed.

Senior prizegiving and study leave: On Friday the 4th November we host our 2022 senior prizegiving in the school hall. We welcome back parents, family and whānau after being absent last year, so please join us for a 1.30pm start. There is no school for our year 7, 8 and 9 students on this day and buses will run as normal at 3.30pm. Seniors will find out this coming week if they have earned study leave from the 7th November. Those who have not yet earned study leave will continue to attend school to complete outstanding work and to earn additional credits towards their NCEA.

NCEA examinations: These begin on Monday 7th November and finish on Friday the 2nd December. Students must remember to bring their examination admission slips with them to each exam session, and to ensure they arrive early and in full school uniform. Teachers will be offering tutorial sessions during the exam period and students wanting extra help with their preparation should make the most of these. 

Senior Option Choices: Year 10, 11 and 12 students have now received their 2023 option forms to be completed by this Friday. Year 10 students must select English, mathematics and science, plus three other subjects - one from each option line. There are no restrictions for year 11 and 12 students, although year 12s may select only five NCEA level 3 subjects for next year, with their 6th being a study line. Please support your child with these very important option choices. Our 2023 Course Directory is available on our school website (under Our Curriculum) and provides detailed information about each course. 

Cellphones at School: Further to our consultation process over the past few weeks, the board of trustees has agreed to a schoolwide ban of cellphones for all year 7 to 10 students from the start of 2023. The current restrictions will remain for senior students. Thank you to all who too part in this survey.

Chromebooks 2023: A reminder that all year 10 to 13 students will need to bring a Chromebook in a hard shell case to school each day from the start of 2023. We encourage you to support our amazing local supplier 100% Fergus Appliances for your Chromebook purchase, but we have also partnered with PB Tech and Cyclone who have some good deals available. See our website: Our School => Student Chromebooks for more details.

Policy Review: Each term a number of school policies come up for review, as part of our triennial review programme. If you wish to provide any recommendations on these policies, please click on this link, The username is Otamatea, and the password is bickerstaffe. We value your feedback.

Dirk Smyth

Community Notices

Mangawhai Waka Ama is looking for 14 - 15 year old girls to join a crew. Contact Nicole 021662943 for more information


On Sunday 6th November, Mangawhai is having a tennis open day for everyone, so bring your kids, friends or anyone you know who might be interested in knowing more about the tennis club or playing some tennis. Come with your rackets and balls and have some games with our members or have a go practicing with the lobster ball machine.  We will have a BBQ with sausages and salads, plus a complimentary beverage for all that come along.  Come and have a hit regardless of ability, we are a fun and social club with lots of levels of tennis ability.  For more information, please see www.mangawhaitennis.co.nz